Monday, November 10, 2008

Chillin' (literally)-Days Two and Three


Right now I'm still on my Wu-Tang vibe so I'm blastin' Gza as I crank this blog out.

*Head nodding*

Ok yesterday was pretty boring. The weather change up here in Michigan really did a number on my sinuses so I was down for the count. I kept it very simple with some green tea (to ease my headache), pepitas, and a green smoothie.

Today I finally got my grocery shopping done. Whooo! My fridge is busting full of raw foodie goodness. Greens, reds, oranges, yellows, purples is the best way I can describe what I bought. I should be good for about a week and a half. =D

I've been spoiled enjoying such nice weather last week and now it's friggin' cold again. I've read on quite a few forums that many raw foodists incorporate a lot of warm or even hot foods back into their diets to get them through the winter. Of course anything up to 118 degrees Fahrenheit (although that temp seems to vary) is still considered 'raw' but my goal is to keep my food as live as possible.

Tomorrow I hope to have a more detailed entry. I'm expecting a package of more raw food goodies be continued.

Don't say I never gave you anything =)

1 comment:

D said...

funny...I was just listening a podcast that talks about RAw foodist wanting warm/hot foods in winter..they felt it was a cop out to giving into food addictions...the person stated if you are cold just put on more clothes I thought that was funny...because back in the day I would use that excuse,we will see how this winter goes,lol